Legal Notice

Last updated on 19 March 2019 (19/03/19)

Any natural person or legal entity accessing this site (hereinafter called the “User(s)”) implicitly and fully accepts in their entirety these Terms of Service (hereinafter called the “TOS”), which are subject to modification at any time by the company EKIBIO (hereinafter called “EKIBIO”). To that end, users are invited to consult our TOS on a regular basis in order to become aware of any updates. This site is approved and managed by EKIBIO.

 These TOS apply to all services available on the following websites:,,, and (here in after called the “Site”), to the exclusion of all other terms and conditions. The French version of these TOS prevails over all other versions.


1. Information concerning the site:

Web editor

The Site’s web editor is a natural person.

Zone Artisanale La Boissonnette - 07340 PEAUGRES - France


Tel: + 33 (0)4 75 32 43 60 – Fax: + 33 (0)4 75 67 30 24 – E-mail:

RCS Aubenas (companies register) no. 345 052 286 

SIRET (business registration) no. 345 052 286 000 27

APE (SIC) no. 4638 B

Intra-EU VAT no. FR 30 345 052 286

Share capital: 1,182,240 euros


Publication Director

Thierry CHIESA

Web design and hosting of the Site

Graphic Design: Infostrates - Parc d'activités de la Valentine LOT 4 Montée du Commandant de Robien 13011 Marseille France SAS (simplified joint-stock company) with a capital of 50,000 euros registered at RCS Marseille B 418 748 125 Tel: +33 (0)4 96 11 07 07 Fax: +33 (0)4 96 11 07 08 SIRET (business registration no.): 418 748 125 00022 NAF (French business nomenclature): 6202A VAT no.: FR 06 418 748 125


Hosting of the Site: CIS Valley


2. Unguaranteed content

EKIBIO strives to ensure, but does not guarantee, that the information contained in this Site is accurate and up to date. Despite every effort being employed in the gathering of information, errors, omissions and inaccuracies may exist. In any event, in accordance with the TOS, the Users accept sole responsibility for their use of the Site and of any information contained therein. Consequently, EKIBIO declines all responsibility for any direct or indirect harm, of any nature whatsoever, resulting totally or partially from the use of the Site. Neither does EKIBIO guarantee access to, or the continuity, operation or availability of the Site or of its associated services. EKIBIO makes every effort to maintain accessibility to the Site and to avoid any untimely interruption of service. However, web maintenance and security operations as well as other planned actions and/or unavoidable events, may cause temporary service interruptions or other anomalies.

Users are reminded that it is an offence, punishable under the clauses of the Penal Code, to access, occupy or hinder a computer system by fraudulent means, or to tamper with the data or with the functioning of such a system.


3. Intellectual property rights

All data, whatever their nature, including the texts, graphics, logos, icons, images, audio and video material, brands, software and features of the websites,,, and, as well as all associated domain and sub-domain names, including downloadable documents, are protected by laws relating to copyrights, trademarks and patents. They are exclusively owned by EKIBIO or by third parties having expressly authorised EKIBIO to exploit them.

EKIBIO shall not transfer to its Users any licence or rights of any kind relating to the intellectual property of the former as a result of access to the Site by the latter.

Consequently, you may not, under any circumstances or by any means, reproduce, represent, disseminate, modify or concede, totally or partially, the Site or any of the elements contained therein, without the prior express agreement of EKIBIO.

Only the reproduction of texts in paper form and for private use is authorised, provided that the following conditions are complied with: non-paying distribution, respect of the integrity of the documents concerned (no modifications or alterations), and a clear and legible reference to the document source, as follows: “Document produced by the websites of the company EKIBIO:,,, and Reproduction rights are reserved and strictly limited.” For any other uses, please contact us at the following email address: .

Any use that has not been expressly authorised by EKIBIO, or that contravenes the above provisions, will be considered as fraudulent and subject to punishment by penal or civil law in compliance with current legislation or regulations.


4. Hypertext links

No hypertext link may be inserted in any of the websites,,, or without the prior express agreement of EKIBIO.

EKIBIO may authorise the insertion of hypertext links redirecting Users to some of its partner’s websites. However, EKIBIO has no control over such websites and therefore declines all responsibility for their content or for the information, services or products that they may offer.


5. Privacy and personal data

In light of the General Data Protection Regulation no. 2016/679 (hereinafter called the “GDPR”) in force in France since 25 May 2018 as a modification to law no. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 (French Data Protection and Freedom of Information Act), EKIBIO is considered to be responsible for its data processing. To that end, EKIBIO promises to fulfill certain obligations in order to provide the best possible guarantee of fundamental liberties relating to the protection of personal data.

Beyond the processing of data for any contractual needs, legal obligations and/or legitimate interests, EKIBIO will seek the express and enlightened consent of the User every time the need to handle personal data arises.

The User’s express and enlightened consent may be sought in order to allow access to certain services requiring such data to be processed. In such cases, the User gives his/her consent for each service by declaring that he/she fully understands the clauses of the Legal Notice and accepts the purpose for which his/her personal data are to be processed. In the event that the User does not give his/her consent, EKIBIO will be obliged to refuse access by the User to the service in question and/or to refrain from processing the related data.

Personal data may also be processed for marketing purposes, by EKIBIO or its affiliated subsidiaries or commercial partners, but only if the User has expressly consented to such processing. If EKIBIO intends to send another party’s data to a country in the European Union or to an international organisation, it must inform such party and seek its consent once again. If the organising Company intends to use such data for any other purpose than those described above, then it must inform the concerned party and seek its consent once again. However, EKIBIO reserves the right to send such data to any administrative bodies or legal authorities who so request.

Such data is held by EKIBIO and, if you have expressly given your consent, by its affiliated companies and commercial partners.

Collected data are stored until the purpose for their processing is fulfilled. Once processed, such data is stored for the duration required in the scope of legal obligations relating to data storage, but also in line with legitimate interests. EKIBIO undertakes to delete the data at the end of that storage period.

EKIBIO promises to deploy all the technical and organisational means necessary to ensure that such personal data is protected and its confidentiality ensured during its handling and storage, in accordance with the provisions set out in the GDPR. All personal data collected via this Site are handled under the strictest conditions of confidentiality.

Users benefit from the following rights:

  • Right to access their data;
  • Right to modify their data;
  • Right to have their data deleted once the purpose of their handling is fulfilled;
  • Right to restrict the handling of their data;
  • Right to oppose the use of their data for marketing purposes;
  • Right to define guidelines relating to the storage of their data;
  • Right to have their data transferred;
  • Right to oppose the handling of their data;
  • Right to have their personal data deleted/sent to a third party after their death.

To exercise the above rights, please send your request with a proof of identity to the organising Company at the following email address: or at the following postal address:

Zone Artisanale La Boissonnette - 07340 PEAUGRES - France

Users are informed of their right to withdraw their consent at any time. Furthermore, the withdrawal of consent shall not compromise the licit nature of the processing based on the consent given before such withdrawal.

In the event that EKIBIO has good reasons to doubt the identity of the natural person or physical entity making the request to exercise the above rights, it may request the additional information required to confirm such identity. To that end, the User vouches for the veracity of the information provided as personal data to EKIBIO.

The User may file a claim with the Commission National de l’Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL - French information commissioner’s office) whenever it deems necessary.



a) What is a cookie?

 To ensure the proper functioning of our Site and constantly improve your browsing experience, we deposit cookies in your computer’s memory for the following purposes:

  • Functional cookies: to offer you a high-quality browsing experience.
  • Analytical cookies: to allow us to gradually improve our website and provide you with more pertinent information.
  • Social network cookies: to allow you to share content on various social media like Facebook and Twitter.


b) How can I disable cookies?

 Most browsers accept cookies automatically but you can also decide not to accept them. We recommend you do not disable this function. If you do, you may encounter problems when browsing the Site. If you do not want your computer to receive and store cookies, you can change your browser’s settings and security parameters manually.

To change your privacy settings and block cookies, you must go to your browser settings menu.

  • Google Chrome: go to the “settings” menu and select “advanced settings”. Click on the “content settings” button to open a new window in which you can change the settings to allow cookies. For further details, please consult the following page:
  • Safari: Select “Preferences” in the settings drop-down menu at the top right-hand corner of the screen. Select “Security” and choose your cookie settings. For further details, please consult the following page:


7. Various

Except in the case of specific provisions set out in these TOS, Users can send any requests or claims to EKIBIO. The contact form on the “Contact” page of the Site allows Users to contact EKIBIO directly.


8. Applicable Law

Before engaging in any legal dispute involving state jurisdiction, the parties mentioned in these TOS undertake to deploy all means necessary to reach an amicable solution,

failing which, any dispute arising from the use of the Site, and for which the parties have not succeeded in reaching an amicable settlement, will be submitted to the Tribunals of Lyons (69 - FRANCE) and tried according to French domestic law.

Any reproduction, utilisation or modification of these TOS, fraudulent or otherwise, and/or without the prior agreement of EKIBIO, may result in the launch by EKIBIO of legal proceedings against the perpetrator.


9. Photographic credits

EKIBIO, Zone Artisanale La Boissonnette - 07340 PEAUGRES - France